May 2, 2024
LIVESTOCK SHOW Dylan Rose May 2, 2024 Livestock Show will be 25-May Livestock Show Website Check-in at 6am Weigh Cards used Swine/Beef Show start at 8 am Peewee for showmen unde...
July 17, 2023
Dear School Community: Pawnee School PK-12 has received results for lead testing in drinking water fixtures
In June, Governor Polis signed into law Colorado House Bill 22-1358:...

May 15, 2023
Livestock Show will be 27-MAY
Livestock Show Website Check-in at 6am Weigh Cards used Swine/Beef Show start at 8 am Peewee for showmen under 8 Grover FFA website Grover FFA ...

March 7, 2023
Briggsdale girls play in the CHSAA 1A state championship tournament, playing their first game at 8:45 a.m. on Thursday, March 9 th at the University of Northern Colorado Bank of ...

March 1, 2023
There will be a pep assembly at 8:15 Friday morning (March 3) in the Ellis Gym in Briggsdale. The boys will load the bus at 8:45 and leave for the games at 9:00. The boys’ game...

March 29, 2022
If your child is 3 years or older by September 1st, he or she may attend preschool. Kindergarten students must be 5 years old by the same date. Please feel free to contact me wi...
September 2, 2021
Parent/Guardian of Pawnee students: As you know we made the decision in the best interests of staff and students to move to remote learning from 8/30-9/2 because of exposure to p...
August 24, 2021
Pawnee School District RE-12
2021-2022 Return to School Plans
As important as the education of our students is the safety and health of our students, staff, and community ....
March 20, 2021
Due to the snow storm last week, the Spring Concert has been rescheduled to Wednesday, March 31st at 6pm. Many students have been sent home with instruments to practice over break,...

March 10, 2021
Dear Pawnee parents,
I hope this letter finds you well and warm into the final quarter of the year! I’m writing to inform you about the upcoming Spring Concert taking place ...

December 14, 2020
Throughout this week, in lieu of a Winter Concert, each of the music classes will be recording their own versions of classic holiday songs that everyone knows and loves. Video fo...

November 2, 2020
The Senior class is now selling fruit boxes just in time for the holiday season. Please contact Shelby Hoffman, Mayson Cacciola, or Chase Mowery to place an order. Your support ...

October 29, 2020
The Senior class invites you to purchase Pawnee Spirit Wear. All ordering can be done online by following the link below. The Seniors appreciate your support of their class and Pa...

October 28, 2020
Due to an increase in COVID cases in Colorado and the recent restrictions placed on social gatherings, we will not be able to have our traditional Veterans Day School Assembly. A...

October 26, 2020
Due to heavy snow and dangerous road conditions, Pawnee School will be closed tomorrow, October 26th. Stay safe out there!

October 8, 2020
The district has conferences coming up on October 23rd, and we are excited to share information with you regarding your student's progress. We have worked hard to avoid COVID iss...

October 8, 2020
We decided to move Homecoming Week into the Basketball season. When the basketball schedule comes out we will pick a week and put it on the calendar.

September 29, 2020
The junior high football game scheduled for this Thursday, October 1st against Fleming has been cancelled.

September 23, 2020
If you have a student who is in 12th grade, they will be bringing a form home to request open campus privilege for you to approve. The district has done this in the past and feel...

September 23, 2020
All students and staff will be able to use the microwave in the lunchroom again.