Please help us celebrate Graduation and 8th Grade Continuation on Sunday July 12!
See the Calendar tab and News tab for details!

Congratulations to Erin Ellis!
Erin won 1st Place at the 2020 FBLA State Leadership Conference in the Public Speaking Event! This was held virtually and qualifies her for the National Level FBLA event to be held next week.

Upated News Article

Employment Opportunities for Pawnee School:

Some awesome projects happening during at-home schooling!

Summer Reading Adventure - The High Plains Library is hosting a virtual reading adventure. For more information please visit www.mylibrary.us/sra for more information.

FFA Live Stock show is Cancelled

The Freshman and Sophomore classes have done a great job getting all their chocolate sold under some tough circumstances. We have only one full box left and it is available for $45 (usually $60). Please contact Bethany if you're interested.

The Pawnee School District would like to express sincere thanks to Kory Fenton from Leeward Renewable Energy, with facilitation from Board President Kevin Hahn, for the donation of 9 Dell Chromebooks. This made it possible for the online portion of the district at-home learning program to be extended to the 5th and 6th grades. THANK YOU!

Please check the News article for updated information about At-Home Learning.

As a fun assignment for the 8th graders, I let them make math related memes! Here are a few funny ones!

High School Math, Desmos Art Projects
The HS math students tried their hand at art using a graphing calculator! Check out their awesome work! I've submitted the entries; some of them might win money!

High School Desmos Art Project.
Even one of my Algebra 1 students tried the DAP!
Each one of the submissions have been entered and we will wait and see if any of our Pawnee Students placed!

Updated information for At-Home learning

Some of the preschoolers and kindergarteners would like to share pictures of themselves and their plants they are growing as part of our science unit. This has been a big hit with both classes.

Bookmobile news- Please return all Bookmobile materials to the school for pickup by the Bookmobile. We have extended the due date to May 15th for all Bookmobile materials and have removed all blocks on student accounts, so that you can access their digital resources. If students, teachers, or parents need assistance in accessing these digital resources, please contact them at 888-861-7323 or visit their website at www.mylibrary.us. If parents are unable to find or return books, give the Bookmobile a call at the Virtual Library (888-861-7323) or email them, and they will work with you to extend the due dates.

Parents of 5th and 6th graders have the option of checking out Chromebooks for their students.
All students using district Chromebooks should remember to take good care of this equipment as the same device will be checked out to you again next year.

The third graders practiced fractions and made their own trail mix snacks to enjoy at home. Try them out!
1/3 cup Marshmallows
1/3 cup Almonds
1/3 cup Cheetos
1/2 cup circus animal crackers
1/4 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup plain animal crackers
1/3 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup M&Ms
1/2 cup tiny marshmallows
1 cup pretzels

Good Work!
Thanks goes out to all the families that are establishing a routine to support the at-home education plan that Pawnee has in place. Assignments are coming in and going out well for the most part. If you need support please call the school or email your teachers directly. Hang in there!

The kindergarteners and preschoolers planted flower and green bean seeds at home as part of the classroom science project. I will post pictures periodically to show how the plants are doing. I just found out one of my students has a green thumb!