Attention Parents/Guardians: On September 29th, students in grades 8-12 will be attending a field trip to NJC in Sterling to hear a motivational speaker. Permission slips will go home today, and transportation will be provided by the district. If your student is in Student Council, they will be staying through lunch for an additional session with the speaker as part of the North Central League Student Council activity.
over 3 years ago, Morgan Johnston
Please note that tomorrow is picture day at Pawnee School. Your student(s) will be bringing their photo order form home tonight, so please be sure to fill that out and send it with them tomorrow morning. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact the office at (970) 895-2222.
over 3 years ago, Morgan Johnston
Please note that the high school football game against Fleming has a new start time. The game will begin at 3:00p.m. on Friday, September 17th at the Pawnee School. We hope to see you there! Go Coyotes!
over 3 years ago, Morgan Johnston
The junior high and high school athletic teams will travel to Peetz to play volleyball and football tomorrow. We expect to return to the school between 11:00 and 12:00. Thanks Mr. Foster
over 3 years ago, Morgan Johnston
The Friendship Alliance Church Youth Groups will begin meeting Wednesday September 8th. This year we will have two groups. The 5th-8th graders will meet right after school on Wednesdays from 4-5pm at the north church. A snack will be provided. The high school group will meet Wednesdays after football practice until approximately 7pm at the north church. We may need to extend our end time a bit as we will be serving the high school a full meal before we start the lesson. Our goal, however, is to get the kids home at a decent time so they have time for homework, chores, family etc. If you have any questions, please call or text Brenda Haun at 970-396-5900. We will follow the school schedule. If school is let out early or not in session for any reason, we will not have youth group on that Wednesday.
over 3 years ago, Bret Robinson
Please see our website for new covid safety information.
over 3 years ago, Bret Robinson
The National FFA Organization is seeking individuals interested in serving as finals round judges for the national level agriscience fair, national chapter and agricultural proficiency national winner selection. The judging will take place virtually in September. Anyone interested in becoming a judge should contact Dylan Rose for information and application. Fair interviews will take place 10th-17th. National chapter interviews on 28th. Proficiency interviews 20th-24th.
over 3 years ago, Mr. Rose
Game Rescheduled. Please note that the High School Football Game with Briggsdale will be played Monday September 6th at 6 P.M. at Briggsdale.
over 3 years ago, John Foster
Pre-School had so much fun their first week!
over 3 years ago, Brittany Knight
kids building
Due to a positive covid test the football game against Deertrail has been postponed until October 29th @ 2 P.M. at Pawnee. Thanks, Coach Foster
over 3 years ago, John Foster
Early Release The district has had some sickness among the students, and just this morning we discovered that some of it is COVID. It is best that we send students home early today and switch to remote learning for next week. Please watch your student for symptoms and have them tested for your peace of mind if needed. The plan to return to in-person earning is Sept 7. Busses will run at 11AM and parents are able to pick students up at that same time today. Thanks, B. Robinson, Supt.
over 3 years ago, Bret Robinson
Pawnee School is dedicated to keeping its students, staff, and community safe and healthy. As we begin a new school year, some updates have been made to our return to school plan. View these, and other important updates on our website!
over 3 years ago, Morgan Johnston
Are you interested in serving a term on the School Board? Pawnee School District will elect 3 school board members in this November's election. Circulatory packets are available for qualified applicants in the school office and they are due August 26th.
over 3 years ago, Bret Robinson
Welcome back everyone! We are beyond excited to invite students and their families to our Back to School night on Thursday, August 12th. Please join us from 5:00pm - 7:00pm to explore your classroom(s), speak with faculty and staff, and enjoy a burger or two! Please don't hesitate to contact the office at (970) 895-2222 with any questions. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening!
over 3 years ago, Morgan Johnston
Welcome Back to School Letter
Attention Clay Target Team Tomorrow, Saturday, June 19th is the State Tournament. Review your information sheets and arrive on time. Be sure your equipment has been cleaned and is in good working condition. See you at 8:30 AM Address is: Colorado Clays Shooting Park 13600 Lanewood St, Brighton
over 3 years ago, Mr. Rose
Attention Clay Target Team! The state shoot is tomorrow morning at Co Clays. Please refer to the handout coaches distributed for more information. Remember to wear your jersey and bring all your equipment, snacks and lunch. See you there by opening ceremony at 840am!
over 3 years ago, Bret Robinson
Attention Clay Target Team members-The location for the optional practice tomorrow morning at 9AM will be approximately 7 miles North of Raymer at a private professional range. Please meet at the school at 8:15AM to either caravan or ride with a coach in a school vehicle. Bring all your necessary equipment to practice. Shell bags are done and will be available. This is your chance to warm up for the state event next weekend. If you prefer to meet at the range please call Mr. Robinson for specific directions. Thanks! Hope to see you tomorrow.
over 3 years ago, Bret Robinson
Attention Clay Target Team! There will be practice Monday the 14th at 9am location to be announced, to warm up for the state level competition.
over 3 years ago, Bret Robinson
The FFA Livestock Show was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who came to participate and support the Grover FFA Chapter. To view photos from the event, head to
over 3 years ago, Morgan Johnston
The Belt Buckle
Excited Young Girl and Her Sheep
The Judge
Young Boy With Pig
There is no official Grover FFA Facebook page. Facebook has been contacted in attempt to take down the page, but be advised none of the information found there for the livestock show is up to date or accurate. All information for the livestock show as well as entry forms can be found at the show website:
over 3 years ago, Mr. Rose